Introducing Nabi
Tofu, Dumpling, Apple, Maple, Sesame, and even Jedi…
These were just a few of the names we considered for our new special family member. Yes, we got a PUPPY—and it’s a girl!
She’s a Labradoodle (a Labrador and Poodle mix), and my daughter has been dreaming of having a puppy for years. Her wish finally came true.
In the end, we decided to name her “Nabi (나비),” which means butterfly in Korean. 🦋
The First Car Ride
On October 5th, we drove to Berryville, VA, to pick up Nabi. She was just 9 weeks old. We placed her in a laundry basket for the ride home, and she stayed calm the entire time.
As we brought Nabi home, memories of another special puppy from my childhood flooded back—one I had for only a single day. Yes, just one day. Yet, I still think of him even now.
It was over 30 years ago, and I was about 9 or 10 years old. I had dreamed of having a puppy for as long as I could remember, but my mother was firmly against it. “No furry animals in the house,” she would say.
Then one day, my father surprised us. He came home with the most adorable puppy I had ever seen. A friend’s German shepherd had a litter, and my dad, who loved animals, managed to convince his friend to give him one. The puppy was a mixed breed—part German shepherd and part something else. I didn’t care what breed he was. I was in love.
I was over the moon with joy. That puppy was the best gift I’d ever received. My siblings were excited too, but I was the happiest of all. My mother, however, was furious. My father had made the mistake of not consulting her before bringing the puppy home, and their disagreement quickly turned into a heated argument.
I didn’t care about their fight; I had a puppy! I played with him, cuddled him, and even started thinking of names. Thunder, Blackie, Ttori… After much deliberation, I named him “Jjong (쫑),” which, oddly enough, translates to “John” in English. To this day, I don’t know why I chose that name, but I loved it.
The next day, I reluctantly went to school after tying Jjong outside near the storage door and giving him food and water. All day, I couldn’t focus. I couldn’t wait to get home and play with him again. I even skipped my usual after-school stops at the rice cake vendor and toy shops, racing home as fast as I could.
But when I arrived, Jjong was gone. The rope I had used to tie him was gone too. Panicked, I searched everywhere but couldn’t find him. I ran inside and asked my mother.
“He’s gone,” she said flatly.
“What do you mean he’s gone?” I asked, tears welling in my eyes.
“He went back to his family. He can’t live with us. You know that. Now go wash your hands. I made pancakes for a snack—they’re still hot,” she replied.
“Noooooo!” I screamed. “You’re so mean! I want my puppy back!” I collapsed on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. I had never yelled at my mother before and never did again after that day. But my heart was shattered.
I refused to eat her pancakes—or dinner that night. Even now, decades later, I feel a pang of sadness when I think of Jjong. Over time, though, I came to understand my mother’s reasoning. With five young children and countless responsibilities, she simply couldn’t handle the added burden of a puppy. She knew we weren’t ready for that responsibility either.
Now, as I look at Nabi, I can’t help but think of Jjong. This time, I’m ready to give our puppy all the love and care she deserves.
Although I didn’t grow up with pets, I’ve always wanted my kids to experience the special bond that comes with having animals in their lives. It fills my heart with joy to see Nabi forming such a close connection with my 13-year-old daughter, who has taken her responsibility of caring for her puppy very seriously.
There’s a unique joy in welcoming an animal into your family. It’s not without effort—it requires both love and responsibility—but the rewards are immeasurable.
Nabi is a smart little pup! Within just two weeks, she picked up basic commands like sit, down, high-five, leave it, roll over, and stay. Of course, she only listens when I have treats in hand. 😊
Potty training is still a work in progress—she has her occasional mishaps—but we’re getting there!
Nabi is a spirited little girl with a touch of a dominant personality (you can see it when she plays with other puppies—she loves being on top!). But she’s quickly learning who the real pack leader is in the family. There’s still so much for her to learn, and she’ll get there one step at a time.
Nabi has a wild streak—she loves chasing imaginary squirrels around the house! Like most puppies, she has those random “zoomie” moments where she goes full-on crazy, running, barking, growling, and chasing nothing at all. Then, just as suddenly, she flops down like she’s completely exhausted and falls asleep right there on the spot.
At first, we jokingly wondered if we had a mentally ill puppy—especially after the breeder mentioned they’d take her back if we couldn’t keep her. 😂 But now, at three months old, Nabi is growing fast and bringing joy to everyone she meets. Her fluffy appearance makes people think she’s a stuffed animal, and she adores the attention, happily giving her love in return.
I have a feeling Nabi might become the official recipe tester for Beyond Kimchee! She’s already sampled a few dishes and seems to love her new “job”—she’ll even eat chili if I let her. Nabi, you’ve proven yourself as a true member of a Korean family. You’ve passed the test—go, girl!
Who knows, maybe I’ll come up with some Korean-inspired dog food recipes for the blog. Organic soybean paste dog biscuits? Korean beef-flavored rawhide? Or even gluten-free kimchi dog treats? The possibilities are endless! 😂
If you’ve had a tough day, I hope a picture of Nabi will bring a smile to your face. She’s certainly brightened ours!
Your Nabi is soooo adorable and she really looks like stuff animals. We own a Yorkie, and we love him very much too. He only obey instructions also if we held treats for him.
She is adorable! Yeah!
Nabi is a beauty. Dogs love the way people should….without judgement or limits. Our Zeke is so happy when we come home day in and day out. Nabi has found the perfect home 🙂
I understand how you feel about Jjong! I helped taking care for my housemate’s friend’s dog for a month when he was away traveling. As I was unemployed back then, I stayed at home a lot and spent a lot of time with him. He has became my close companion quickly and as my housemate was away a lot, he has been with me whenever I felt lonely, sad, or happy. He was there to share my happiness and my tears…jumping with joy with me when I found a job…
Even though he was never my dog and I haven’t seen him ever since, I still think of him from time to time and I miss him like crazy!
I’m sure you’ll make a lot of sweet memories with Nabi and your children 🙂 Congratulations for the new addition of your family!
Thank you Joy. I often think dogs are created (and inspired to bred) to uplift the human spirit. I hope you get to see that dog again.
Nabil is adorable! What a great addition to your family! And so sad about your first puppy – what an awful experience for you.
i grew up on a small farm so we always had animals nearby so was used to the responsibilities and joys that come with animal ownership/companionship. In my non-farm adult life i have almost always had a pet – usually a dog (or two – or three). I had to raise 3 boys by myself and don’t have any idea what I would have done without dogs because they helped raise those kids. They provided that untiring, unquestioning love and devotion that sometimes i just didn’t have left in me after working two jobs and keeping up life’s work . Dogs gave, not just to the boys but to me also: a friend no matter what, hours of amusement and entertainment with their antics and tricks, devoted affection, guardianship and warning with their barks, a warmed bed with their bodies and so much more. Something very good happens to your soul and spirit when EVERY DAY you are greeted with unabashed joy as you arrive home. Even our yearly family Christmas pictures included the dog(s). I have never owned a labradoodle, but know two – owned by friends who have kids. They are wonderful dogs – intelligent, devoted, good-natured and energetic (especially as young dogs). Be patient with the pup – this sweet and sturdy companion will be an everlasting life and love lesson for you and your children. Welcome to the butterfly-dog; she looks a beauty!
I love Nabi & I love that you are letting your daughter bond with animals & learn responsibility. I also love your blog & the way you post your recipes (for your children to learn from as well). I read your blog from Sydney, Australia. Looking forward to more chats about Nabi as well as recipes!
She’s beyond adorable! And super cute in her (Halloween?) butterfly outfit, too. Enjoy the new addition to your family!
She’s beyond adorable! Looks like a stuffed toy, but better because she’s real. And super cute in her (Halloween?) butterfly outfit, too. Enjoy the new addition to your family!
I adore the dogs, we have one very similar to Navi, but ours is a Spanish Dog of Waters, a very ancient race of the peninsula. Our pet is called Bosco.