1. No tangzhong method (Easier and quicker) 2. No dough enhancer 3. Perfect texture & taste 4. Stay fresh up to 3 days.
Bread flour sugar egg instant yeast dry milk powder milk heavy cream (or heavy whipping cream)
Mix milk, cream, sugar, egg, yeast, dry milk powder, yeast, and sugar with a wooden spoon. Then add flour and mix well.
Add dry ingredient and knead the dough in low setting for 12-15 minutes. The dough will be very sticky.
Divide the dough into 3 equal portions. Roll each dough into a ball shape and let them rest for 15 minutes to relax.
1. Roll the dough into 7-8 inch long. 2. Fold the dough into thirds.
1. Rotate dough to 90˚ degree. Start rolling tightly, pinching the seam together. 2. Transfer dough in a greased pan, seam side down. Cover and let it rise again.
1. Brush the top with egg wash. Bake in a preheated 350˚F oven for 22-25 minutes. 2. When done, Brush with melted butter immediately.
Take the bread out of pan and let it cool on a wired rack.
1. Enjoy when it's still warm. 2. It toasts beautifully - perfect for breakfast! 3. Great for sandwich bread.