Here are 6 easy to prepare and delicious Korean side dishes you can make at home with ingredients that you can easily find.

The Top 6 Korean Side Dishes

One of the great excitements of having a Korean feast at home or at restaurant is tasting the variety of Korean side dishes; the banchan (반찬).

Many different kinds of vegetables including fresh, dried or pickled, different types of tofu, egg, salty meat or fish are made into delectable side dish to harmonize the entire meal. You can’t call it Korean if you don’t have several side dishes to go with.

Here are 6 easy to prepare and delicious side dishes you can create at home with ingredients that you can easily get.  This side dishes made from scratch are not only tasty but also healthy, too. So enjoy as much as you can.


1.  Cabbage with Soybean Paste (봄동 된장무침, bomdong doenjang muchim

The spring cabbage is seasoned with soybean paste, garlic, chili flakes, sesame oil, and sesame seeds. This leafy side dish boosts robust flavor and help you to empty out a bowl of rice in no time. The fermented soybean paste in raw is so good for you.

Steamed Soft Tofu with Chili Sauce

2.  Steamed Soft Tofu with Soy Chili Sauce (순두부 양념, soondubu yangnyum)

A simple way to cook silky soft tofu. All you need is to create Korean chili sauce within 5 minutes. You will enjoy the goodness of tofu in no time,

 Spicy Bean Sprouts

3.  Spicy Bean Sprout Salad (매운 콩나물, mawoon kong-namool)

Often called as people’s national side dish in Korea, bean sprouts are one of the cheapest yet healthy vegetables available and loved by millions of Korean people everyday.

Pickled Cucumber

4.  Pickled Cucumber Salad (오이지 무침, oiji muchim)

You can get pickled cucumber easily in Korean stores. Season them with spicy sauce to dress up and you will have a delicious side dish ready to serve with any meals.

Tofu and Egg Pudding

5.  Tofu and Egg Pudding (두부 계란찜, doboo gyeran jjim)

Packed with a good quality protein, this savory pudding will be very comforting to serve during the winter time. It is easy and quick to put together and can go with any type of meal.

Korean Spinach

6.  Rustic Spinach (시금치 나물, shigumchi namool)

Who doesn’t like Korean spinach side dish? This particular recipe is my personal favorite and I make often at home.  So delicious!

Hope you get to try these delicious and healthy Korean side dishes at home. They are easy to make and good for you. You will become an Korean cooking expert once you master these dishes. Cheers!

~ Holly